UPDATE: Bullying is NEVER acceptable!!

We have just returned from the school having had a meeting with the head.

Firstly we discussed the main issue THE BULLYING. She took all our points into account and today is going to give a talking to the boys involved BUT also she is going to bring the ringleaders parents in for consultation.

I kept J with us all the time and encouraged him to tell her how he felt so that she could see we weren’t just neurotic parents. He was very happy to be taken seriously and to realize that positive action works, he also now understands that telling people everything is alright when its not, is not going to get anything solved!

We handed her all the work we had Jordan doing while at home, and told her how we’d gone about keeping him up to date with his school work and why I had chosen to cover “Bullying and Mutual Respect” for PSHE instead of his set work, We handed her copies of the literature we’d been working from at home (the every persons bill of rights and childline anti bullying papers) I also pointed out the line he has included about not wanting to be made to feel like “scrap and garbage” and how we thought it was a good insight into his feelings. She received this quite well taking into account why we thought it was necessary to point this out and looked quite shocked at the amount of work we’d done with him which can only be a positive thing.

Secondly we discussed the issues I had with the school and the way this had (until now) been handled. I pointed out the faults in dealing with the victim not the bully, how size does not come into consideration, you can be a victim of bullying no matter the difference in size between you and the bully. And the lack of communication between myself and her when I had specifically requested it!

The head appeared to be very receptive to all my points and didn’t go as far as to apologize but did agree with some and explain others.

The lack of return phone call was due to the message not being passed on correctly (an issue with communication still I know, but at least it wasn’t a deliberate disregard of our/Jordan’s position) She also went on to explain why she couldn’t make time to speak with us Tuesday when we turned up at the school as she is a teaching head who had classes all day. She didn’t fully appreciate our frustration as she wasn’t aware that we’d expected her to call us the evening before and she did apologise for that.
I have come away this morning feeling more positive. AND with a copy of the schools anti bullying policy which has just been reviewed and we actually have a copy of the revised version that has yet to be published. After reading it, It is definitely something I can’t fault if it is applied in the way it is set out.

It remains to be seen what affect it all has. I don’t expect results overnight after all kids will still be kids but i feel a lot happier now the head knows I’m not going to let this go until it has been resolved!

1 thought on “UPDATE: Bullying is NEVER acceptable!!

  1. Give J our love and tell him that we think he is a smashing lad and a real pleasure to be with and a very good friend!

    from the people in the next tent at HesFes!!

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