I am a social networking whore!

Where have the last few months gone?

Last time I looked it was Christmas and now it’s March and we’re at Easter and all tucking into hollow bunnies and freezing in the snow (Can somebody please tell the guys in charge it’s supposed to be spring that means flowers and sunshine PLEASE!)

However in saying that looking back I can see exactly where the time has gone. It has been a whirlwind of domesticated shenanigans, friends, school, birthdays, parties, deaf men, (well man – there was only one of them) weddings and all other kinds of things that have kept me from my blog, but when at home and I have the time, mainly I blame the internet for the passage of unproductive time whilst sitting at the computer.

The internet and it’s infinite number of distracting offerings that keep me away from my task in hand in this instance blogging – but trust me when I say the internet keeps me from all kinds of “other” things I should be doing, housework for instance (Sorry James I will sort out the wardrobe situation – eventually).

It is a sorry excuse I know, if I’m at the computer and I’ve had all this other stuff going on I should have ample material to blog about. Then when I’m here with facebook and myspace and flickr and moblog calling for my attention and with my new found addictions to poker or scramble or scrabulous and *add any other facebook application you can think of here, shouting for me to join in with the fun time just gets away from me. Before I know it, it is midnight and I realise I have to get up for work in the morning and really need to go to bed NOW before I start another round of any of the aforementioned and it will get to 4am and I will still be sitting here.

I realise I sound like and addict… My name is Steph and it has been 22minutes since I last signed into any of my social network sites, but honestly that is where I seem to spend most of my time right now. It’s a quick and easy to keep in touch with people I don’t see often and a convenient way to organise my social calender with those I do.

However I am working to redress the balance, hence me blogging right now. I thought of my poor neglected blog and all the interesting things I could have wrote about and felt a pang of guilt, which, after logging onto my dashboard, was compounded by the 4 comments awaiting moderation, that by WordPress’ records have been waiting since the beginning of February (sorry Tiff & SFG).

So I will blog again soon, I promise, I have the ideas and right now I have the time so I will make more of an effort but right now I have to check my email, then my facebook, Someone might of poked me or something and I’ll have missed it because I’ve been here writing this!

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